Leitsch is a Vice President at TM Financial Forensics, LLC, where he
focuses on commercial damages, intellectual property, forensic
accounting and business valuation in a variety of business disputes and
general consulting engagements. Mr. Leitsch has analyzed financial and
economic impacts from intellectual property infringement, breach of
contract, and anti-trust allegations. He has determined, analyzed and
critiqued damage claims including lost profits, unjust enrichment and
reasonable royalties. Mr. Leitsch has additionally assisted with the
valuation and licensing of intellectual property. Prior to joining TM
Financial Forensics, Bill was an Associate Director in the Disputes and
Investigations practice of Navigant Consulting, Inc. where he performed
similar work. Mr. Leitsch has experience in a wide variety of
industries including satellite television, medical and pharmaceutical
products, electronics, consumer products and computer software. Mr.
Leitsch has consulted on litigation matters venued in state court,
federal court and arbitration. Mr. Leitsch has over 20 years of
experience consulting to a variety of companies on financial, economic,
accounting and damages matters. Additionally, Mr. Leitsch is a current Board Member of the Youth Leadership Institute, a current Advisory Board member of the Asian Law Alliance and previously served on the Planning Committee for the Bay Area Lawyers of Individual Freedom Association ("BALIF").